Alliance of
Waste management is essential for our Oregon Company so it is done safely. All the companies that carry out the transport of waste and their final disposal have the corresponding authorizations. We have alliances with companies for the recovery of different types of drums for reuse and reconditioned drums, this consists of sending our empty containers that are hazardous and non-hazardous waste from our warehouses, depending on the format and type of product inside it can be washed or sent to one of our allies to be reintegrated into the industry.
If their reinsertion is not possible, the metal containers are sent to a company that compacts them and the plastics chopped, to finally be referred to an authorized recycler in each country who closes the final disposal cycle.
For us, it is essential to carry out our operations in a harmonious way and trying to keep under control the possible impacts that, as a result of our actions, could be generated on the environment and neighboring communities, as well as safeguarding the use and sustainability of natural resources and productive inputs. We develop our work hand in hand with the Sustainable Development Policy, to minimize environmental impacts, and early incorporation of the environmental variable in the design of operations, and thus prevent and implement necessary control and mitigation measures with appropriate management. of waste and emissions.

– Chile: +56 222228504
– Perú: +511 644-0141
– Paraguay: +595 976944782
– Honduras: +(504)-3368-1272
Oregon Chem Group Spa – All rights reserved 2021